Monday, February 20, 2012

Credentialed Daycares

Recently the center I work at has been getting ready for their credentialing. In case you don’t know, when a children’s center is credentialed people come in every once in a while and to look around and make sure your center has everything it needs to be qualified. For example, you must wear gloves every time you do anything with the children’s food and drinks. You also must have certain things in your classroom. Some things are that you need to have every single thing labeled in the classroom, and you need a sensory table for the children to use. One thing that really bothers me about some of these thing is that the children are not allowed to use or play with them. The teachers just put it there for looks, so whenever the credential people come they see that they have it. In my center we have a little sand box and shaving cream on the self, and then we have a sensory table and a chalk board/dry erase board. The children are always trying to play with them, but the teachers do not let them because of the mess it makes and they do not want to clean it up. I feel like it is torturing them because they see it just sitting there every day and it makes them want to play with it.

1 comment:

  1. I see what you are saying, its like the children are being teased with these things they aren't allowed to play with but its there for show. When children don't understand it's like they have a look where they feel someone is keeping something from them just because.
